As a busy professional woman in your 50s, juggling a successful career and the challenges of menopause can feel overwhelming. The physical and emotional changes may leave you feeling derailed, but rest assured, you are not alone. Many women in similar circumstances face the impact of menopause while maintaining their professional lives. So, let’s explore […]
Why Menopause Can Leave You Feeling Overwhelmed
Menopause brings a wide range of symptoms, and the list may extend beyond the known 34. While some are physical in nature, such as hot flushes, night sweats, and weight gain, many others affect emotions and psychology. It’s not uncommon for women to experience feelings of being overwhelmed, increased susceptibility to stress, mood swings, and […]
Meet my client Tracy and read about how she transformed her life!
Today I want to share with you Tracy’s story. When I first started working with Tracy, she was at rock bottom. She was in a lot of pain from fibromyalgia, struggling with tummy issues and constantly felt bloated. In addition, she was dealing with several menopause symptoms. I caught up with Tracy and asked her […]
How to overcome Menopausal brain fog and protect your brain
October is world menopause awareness month. The theme chosen by the International Menopause Society for world menopause day on the 18th of October is “Brain fog and Memory difficulties in Menopause” So, supporting brain health seems an appropriate topic to put under the spotlight right here and now. Menopausal Brain fog can be scary It […]
Let’s shine the light on Progesterone
Progesterone – I want to cast a little light on this hormone. Many people associate progesterone with periods and fertility and quite rightly so. But let’s dig a little deeper as there is so much more to discover about this hormone. Beyond fertility, this hormone is vital for maintaining many other essential organs and […]
Supplements – do you need to take them?
I am asked this question a lot. And the simple answer is that it depends! So let me unravel the mysterious world of supplements. It can be a real minefield to understand. Firstly, my belief is that food should always come first. Where possible, always aim to get your nutrients as part of what you […]