As your hormones start to shift during your perimenopause years, digestive issues can become quite common. These include gas, bloating and a change to your bowel movements. And when you reach your post menopause years, you may find that you are not absorbing nutrients as well as you used to. And this is not good […]
Why good sleep can help to reduce menopause symptoms
All the hard work that you have done so far will be wasted without a commitment to adopting good sleep practices. And getting good quality sleep can be incredibly powerful for your menopause transition and help to reduce symptoms. For me, it’s just as important as eating a healthy diet and exercising in the right […]
5 Common Nutrient Deficiencies in Menopause
Getting the right nutrients into your diet is super important. But it is actually quite surprising how many people are deficient in certain key nutrients. And the problem tends to be more pronounced as you transition through the menopause. Without a doubt the menopause puts an additional strain and demands on your body. Therefore, it is […]
Why is liver health so important for the menopause?
The liver is one thing that shouldn’t be overlooked when it comes to supporting your peri and menopause years. It is such an important organ in your body with over 500 different functions to perform. Here are just a few: Regulates your blood sugar levels Removes toxins from your body Helps with making and storing […]
Why is stress making my menopause symptoms worse?
The amount of stress that you have in your life has a huge impact on whether you sail through the menopause or not. There is a definite link between stress and the severity of menopause symptoms. Although it is not always possible to remove all stress from your life, it is important to learn how […]
Things you need to know to prepare your body for the perimenopause and menopause
Let’s get started with a quick summary of all the “pauses” that are out there! I will define them all from perimenopause to post menopause. Premenopausal – this is the time when a few hormonal changes begin to happen, but there are no noticeable changes in your body Perimenopause – these are the years which […]