Do you want to get rid of those bothersome peri and menopausal symptoms? Do want a symptom free menopause?
To achieve this, you need to take the sticky plasters off. And create a list of symptoms that are bothering you right now.
You are here as you know things are not as they should be and you want a solution.
You are possibly frustrated with the lack of support from conventional routes and you want action.
So right now, you need to delve deep into your symptoms. Which out of the 30 or so symptoms are impacting you?
Do you want relief from brain fog, night sweats and fatigue?
For some, this is quite a difficult step: Symptoms have crept up gradually over a period of time and are considered “normal”. But having typical symptoms such as brain fog, night sweats, low libido, extreme fatigue, being stressed out, mood swings, anxiety, digestive issues, PMS and weight gain is not normal or OK. So, take the time to record them all in order to build up a full picture.
This is your first step to a symptom free menopause
You have a list of all of your symptoms. And for many of you, you may have a number of different symptoms which all seem very varied. But the thing is – they are actually all related.
When you are over 40, it is very common to struggle with your weight, brain fog and extreme fatigue. Perhaps this describes how you are feeling right now? And you likely know, or at least suspect that your struggles have something to do with your hormones. And you would be right. But it is a little bit more complex than that!

Hormones are our body’s communication system. They send chemical messages around our body to deliver information and control our bodily functions. And we have over 100 hormones working in this way. But when we are over 40 (and in fact younger for some people), some of these hormones start to fluctuate and decline.
And the problem is this:
When one of your hormones is not in balance – think of them as working together in a symphony – it can destroy the harmony and disrupt your entire system. And this is when the many varied symptoms start to appear.
Many people think that the symptoms of the perimenopause and menopause are solely linked to the big three sex hormones – Oestrogen, Progesterone and Testosterone.
This is true to a certain extent as these hormones fall rapidly during this time and for some people, these changes wreak havoc in your body.
But it is not just about your sex hormones.
For a symptom free menopause, other hormone imbalances need to be addressed too.
And this is often the missing piece in the jigsaw puzzle when trying to restore good health. If this part is neglected, harmony cannot be restored.
Would you like to get your hormones balanced and have a symptom free menopause?
For me, the other biggies to consider are cortisol, insulin and your thyroid.
Let’s learn a little about the impact of these hormones:
Cortisol. At this stage of your life, you have built up quite a bit of stress . And so your hormone cortisol may not be behaving in the way it should. So it needs to be carefully reviewed when understanding what might be going on for you.
And this is why: Elevated cortisol may be causing weight gain, tiredness, mood swings, low libido, PMS and insomnia. This is just to name a few things that could be going on.
Your thyroid may be struggling too. And this could be making you sluggish and tired – all common symptoms as you transition through the menopause. But that is not all. A poorly functioning thyroid can also lead to weight gain, fatigue, mood swings, brain fog, PMS and low libido.
You may be developing insulin resistance and this can lead to fat storage and weight gain. In addition, your blood sugars will not be balanced. And this can cause cravings, insomnia, energy slumps, PMS, headaches and irritability.
So it would be wrong to assume that the menopause is just about your sex hormones. You can see that an imbalance in any or all of these key hormones produces a set of very similar symptoms.
And so it is vital to get a detailed picture of how all your key hormones are behaving. When you do this, you can restore harmony and get a symptom free life.
What’s the connection between the environment and a symptom free menopause.
You are most likely aware that your peri and menopausal symptoms are linked to an imbalance in hormones. But did you know that many toxins in our environment can mimic your own hormones with a devastating effect?

These days you are exposed to so many more toxins than your mother was. And this can cause your hormones to decline much faster than they used to.
Some of the culprits are these – cleaning products, cosmetics, pesticides on fruit and vegetables, chemicals in plastic bottles and containers.
They are called endocrine disruptors or xenoestrogens and they do exactly that. By mimicking oestrogen, they disrupt your endocrine system. And this in turn makes a lot of the common menopausal symptoms far worse.
Start to record where your exposures are as you go about your day to day business. You will be surprised by how many you come into contact with.
Taking a shower, putting makeup on, doing the cleaning, putting the washing on etc . It all adds up.
But you can do something about it and it is important to start reducing your exposure and learning how to become more resilient to them.
So, here’s the bottom line:
The first step to having a symptom free life is to record all your symptoms. It’s then important to explore all your hormones which may not be in balance and establish whether endocrine disruptors are impacting hormonal harmony in your body. Once all this is established, you have the foundations to start work on restoring balance.
Click through to my download to find out more about how to have a happy and healthy menopause