Are you perimenopausal or menopausal? Are you interested in learning about supplements for the perimenopause and menopause ? Do you want to restore your body’s internal systems and get your health back on track?
If you have invested in a menopause hormone test, you have a wonderful opportunity.
And this because you know what is broken, where your hormonal imbalances are and what needs to be fixed.
And there are two key ways to rebalance your body and fast track your results.
Firstly, it is with targeted supplements for the menopause.
And secondly by focusing on restoring the foundations of your body. And this means getting your internal systems running as they should.
Would you like to learn how to have a happy and healthy menopause?
So let’s learn about supplements for the menopause
Why are they important? How can they help?
They are important for two reasons:
Firstly, they can help to fix the imbalances which have been identified through testing. This is just in the short term until you are symptom free. Normally this process takes three months or so.
Just to give you a flavour. Some of the most well researched and successful supplements for menopause symptoms are as follows:
- Hot flushes – sage, black cohosh, red clover and dong quai.
- Stress – magnesium, vitamin C, B vitamins, adaptogens such as rhodiola, ashwagandha, holy basil and maca powder.
- Insulin control and balancing blood sugars – chromium picolante and cinnamon.
And secondly, they are a must for maintenance for all women over 40. They are a great way to provide long term support and the ones that I have in my tool kit and recommend are as follows:

- A quality multivitamin – a good all rounder to give you a bit of everything including good levels of antioxidants such as vitamin A and E as well as minerals such as zinc, selenium, B vitamins, calcium and magnesium.
- Omega 3 fatty acids. As your oestrogen levels reduce, you may experience achy joints. Omega-3 keeps joints supple and also helps with mood swings.
- Vitamin C – an important anti ageing antioxidant. There is never enough in a multi so take separately. You cannot store it in the body and you cannot make it yourself. So it is important to get it from your diet or take it as a daily supplement.
- Vitamin D3 – essential for healthy bones, to support immune function and protect against heart disease, high blood pressure , diabetes and some cancers.
But the takeaway here is this. There is a lot of rubbish on the market.
Some supplements for the menopause have very few active ingredients and are full of fillers.
It is therefore important to buy quality products.
And remember to always seek help from a professional when starting a supplement program.
With any menopause supplements, taking advice is important in order to avoid doing more harm than good.
But taking supplements for your menopause is not the only thing you need to do.
In order to balance your hormones, restoring the foundations of your body is also critical. Your internal systems which control pretty much everything needs to be in top health. And here the focus is on your digestive function and your liver.
Would you like to restore your body and get rid of unwanted menopause symptoms?
And looking at your gut health is a good place to start. From the testing that has been done, you will have a good idea if you have compromised gut health,
Let’s look at some typical menopause symptoms and how your gut health may be making them worse.
Do you have uncontrollable cravings?
If there is an imbalance between your healthy and unhealthy bacteria, your hormones which control your appetite – ghrelin and leptin – may be impacted. A growth of unhealthy bacteria impacts the levels of these hormones and you will not be getting correct messages regarding hunger and satiety. So, it is possible that cravings you are experiencing are linked to an imbalance in microbiome rather than your own motivation.
Do you have mood swings and poor sleep?
Your gut makes 70% of your happy hormone (Serotonin) and your sleep hormone (Melatonin). And these can become unbalanced if you have issues with your digestive tract such as IBS and leaky gut. And this can lead to mood swings, anxiety, feelings of depression and difficulties with your sleep
Do you feel super stressed?

A leaky gut can cause your inflamed gut to increase the stress response in your body and increase cortisol levels.
Are you struggling with common symptoms of oestrogen dominance?
These include weight gain, high stress levels, disrupted sleep patterns, cravings and a sluggish metabolism.
When there are issues with your gut health, your oestrogen levels will be impacted. You may not be able to excrete oestrogen from your body effectively and if it is allowed to recirculate, high levels will build up and it will no longer be in balance with your progesterone levels. And this is super important. Oestrogen dominance can lead to the symptoms listed above.
Are you struggling with your metabolism?
Your thyroid controls your metabolism and your thyroid can be impacted by your gut health. If your gut is not absorbing your nutrients correctly, you may struggle to convert your thyroid hormone T4 into its active form T3. If this does not happen, you will feel sluggish, tired and be prone to weight gain
Are your blood sugars balanced?
If your gut health is not stable, you will struggle to control your blood sugars and you will crave sweet things. You can start to become insulin resistant. This can cause you to gain weight, suffer from extreme fatigue and put you at risk of type 2 diabetes.
And finally, how are your oestrogen levels?
You know that your oestrogen is produced by your ovaries until the point of menopause, but did you know that your microbiome also makes it?
You have three types of oestrogen in the body – Estrone, estradiol and estriol.
Your gut microbiome produces estriol which is protective and has a role in reducing menopausal symptoms such as vaginal dryness and osteoporosis.
It also has a role in removing oestrogen from the body and helps to break it down and metabolise it in order to avoid oestrogen dominance (discussed above) and the symptoms associated with it. The estrobolome is a collection of enzymes that are produced by microbes within the gut whose job it is to break down oestrogen and metabolise it.
So hopefully this has explained why gut health is important. And if you are struggling with symptoms linked to hormonal imbalances and you have issues with your gut microbiome and digestive health, this needs to take priority. Without tackling this area, it is difficult to reduce symptoms.
And this can all be done by choosing the right nutrients. And for some people adding in targeted menopause supplements too.
Even without testing, the gut is always the best place to start when restoring your health.
But your liver is also an important foundation in your body which needs to be in tip top condition

Looking after your liver is vital when you are over 40 and start to transition towards the menopause.
The liver has over 500 functions to perform and they are all important for good health.
But here, let’s focus on those which can impact your menopause.
Along with detoxification, your liver has a role in synthesising, regulating and breaking down your hormones
But the problem which we have these days is that we are consuming more and more toxins. This is in the form of processed foods, a high sugar diet, too much alcohol, prescription drugs, beauty care products and pollution in the air etc.
Our livers become overloaded and can’t do their job properly.
And when this happens, your hormones become imbalanced and you suffer from mood swings, hot flushes, waking up in the night and not being able to get back to sleep amongst other things.
Let’s learn a little bit more about hormones and the liver.
- Your liver breaks down your sex hormones and gets rid of exces of oestrogen. If this does not happen, you build up too much oestrogen and start to get symptoms of oestrogen excess including bloating, weight gain and headaches. In addition if the dangerous metabolites of oestrogen are allowed to re circulate, your risk of hormone dependent cancers increases.
- Your liver is responsible for converting your inactive thyroid hormone (T4) into its active form. Without this, your metabolism will slow down, you will become sluggish and prone to gaining weight.
- Your liver also has a role in balancing your blood sugars and when this cannot be performed effectively it can cause fatigue, mood swings, weight gain and cravings.
So, looking after your liver with the right foods and avoiding those which cause it to become overloaded is vital if you want to get to a symptom free happy life.
And with targeted supplements for your perimenopause and menopause. And with a focus on your internal systems, it is possible to fast track your results. This will get you moving towards a symptom free life.
Click through to my download to find out more about how to have a happy and healthy menopause