I wanted to share with you today one of my client’s stories:
Read how Helen took control and got her life back on track.
When I first spoke with Helen, it was very apparent that she was struggling. She was drained, exhausted, a little bit neglected and didn’t really like what she had become. Now six months later, Helen has turned her life around and feels so much better. I caught up with her last week and asked her about her experience working with me and more importantly how she is feeling right now.
Find out about her transformation here:
I started by asking Helen why she wanted to get some help
“My health and my expanding waistline had been on my mind for some time. And I knew that I needed to do something about it. I have an incredibly busy life – full time work, teenage kids and a husband. Because of this, I very rarely have time to think, not alone do any “self-care” and I came to the realisation that things had to change. I had a niggle that I wasn’t looking after my heart and my weight had been creeping up over a number of years. And I knew that I was eating the wrong things. I loved sugary snacks and I just seemed to be eating on the run. I remember telling you that I often used to “prowl” through the kitchen looking for anything I could just pop into my mouth and the sugary snacks would keep me going during the afternoon and into the evening!”
And how do you feel right now?
“I feel so much better! I now have a much better appreciation of the food I eat and the impact it is having on my body. You are what you eat is such a true expression! I am really proud of the progress I have made. And I now realise this: Changing my habits is not only doable, but actually fun and easy when I put your mind to it. Overall, I feel calmer and in control of my eating. My bloating has subsided, my bowel habits have improved, and I know that I am looking after my health. I still have some way to go before I am happy with my weight, but it is certainly going in the right direction.
Through this process I have also learnt so much about my body and what it needs to function properly. I now know about how to combine foods to give me sustained energy throughout the day and reduce my cravings. I now eat the right breakfast, lunch and dinner. Sugar intake is significantly down, and I have the right balance of foods on my plate. My shopping habits have changed, and my basket now looks very different from the old days. It is now bursting with lots of vegetables, lots of seeds and less sugar. And because of this, I feel so much happier, energised and comfortable in my skin.”
And did you feel supported during your programme?
“Absolutely! For me this was the key driver to my success. You gave me such clarity on what foods I should / shouldn’t be eating and the reasons why. This certainly helped with my compliance. And I just loved our time together. You had my back. You were very supportive, but at the same time wouldn’t allow me to get away with things. And I know that I tried to a couple of times!! You brought a great balance of reality, discipline and a sense of humour!
I felt you offered good value for money and I would certainly recommend you to others”
Was there a light bulb moment for you during the whole process?
“Yes, doing tests was brilliant! When I saw the results it was a real eye opener. I saw in black and white what was going on in my body. And I was pretty much burnt out. I had been running on empty for some time. I needed to see this, and it was the wakeup call I needed to do something about it. It gave me the motivation to really future proof my health as I set myself up for midlife and beyond.
And I liked the fact that the test results led to a targeted supplement plan which was just right for me. And I really think the supplements you suggested were so beneficial in the early stages to help get myself back on track.”
It was so lovely to work with Helen and just brilliant to see what she has achieved in just a few months. There is no going back for her now as she continues her journey with the skills and knowledge, she has learnt to get things back on track. And just look at her now – beaming and glowing in this picture with her daughter!
If you feel that you too are a little bit neglected and need some support to turn things around, I would love to help. Do drop me a line here or pop onto my website where you can fill in a contact form. All initial calls are complementary and a great way to see if we are the right fit for each other.