Love how you look and feel!
Without a doubt, life can sometimes feel like one uphill struggle when you are over 40.
It just seems to be a time when things are not quite as easy as they used to be. And it’s very difficult to work out why.
But I strongly believe that it is possible to flourish rather than just survive during this time of life. And my clients that I work with are the proof.
One of the reasons why so many women struggle with the peri/menopause is that it throws up so many different symptoms. And with a raft of different things going on, it is difficult to know where to start.
Do you know what the biggest mistake most menopausal women make?
They try and treat their symptoms rather than focusing on the underlying cause.
Does this describe you?
Are you struggling with the following?
- Sleepless Nights
- Exhaustion
- Cravings
- Stress and Anxiety
- Weight gain
- Brain fog and trouble remembering things
- Moodiness
- Digestive issues such as bloating gas
- Blurry vision when tired
- Noise and light sensitivity
Have you tried every diet going to try and lose weight?
Do you resort to sleeping tablets to help with insomnia?
Do you reach for cakes and caffeine to help you with exhaustion that you feel every day?
Do you drink wine every evening to help you to de stress?
Unfortunately, none of this will help. In actual fact, for the most part it will just make your symptoms far worse.
Here’s why treating your symptoms won’t work for menopausal women.
During the lead up to your menopause, your body is going through some of the biggest hormonal changes that it ever will. And it is these changes that are at the root cause of all of your symptoms. And If you are struggling with some of the common things I have described, it is likely that these changes have been going on for a number of years.
But the good news is this. When you address the root cause, all of the symptoms you experience will improve.
Let me share with you my 3-step solution for a happy and healthy menopause.

My 3 -step solution will help you get to the heart of your hormonal symptoms and fix them for good.
By adopting these changes, you will re find your spark
You will get your energy and motivation back.
You will sleep like a baby and wake feeling refreshed.
You will lose weight and start to love your body again.
Your confidence will rise.
You will be sharp and focused throughout the day.
My three -step guide delivers results and delivers them quickly.
So, here’s what to do:
Our lifestyles these days are very hectic, and many peri/menopausal women are in the middle of one big juggling act: You may be looking after elderly parents, home schooling and working long hours.
It is very common for women to put themselves at the end of the to do list. You may feel guilty about spending time on yourself. You may feel drained physically and emotionally.
If this describes you, the first step is to get some balance back.
It is only by prioritising your well -being that the process of healing can start. Learn to say no, focus on yourself without feeling guilty. Being kind to yourself is perhaps the most important thing you can do to get your old self back.
Learn how to balance your hormones by eating the right hormone balancing foods and getting rid of “lazy foods”. Lazy foods, like refined carbohydrates and sugary snacks, will only disrupt things and put you on an unhelpful hormonal roller coaster.
Let me give you an example.
If you, like many women I work with, have been yo yo dieting for years, you will be increasing stress on your body. This will make your symptoms far worse. When you are over 40 you need a different approach. Diets stress your body, slow your metabolism and make you gain weight and not lose it.
The weight gain that you see in peri/menopausal women is hormonal weight gain
For the weight to come off naturally, you need to balance your hormones with the right foods.
So, for example, you need to eat slow releasing complex carbs to keep your blood sugars balanced and your insulin levels low. In return you will have the energy to get through the day – no sugary snacks required! You will start to sleep better, lose weight, be sharper and look and feel younger.
And here’s the second step. Energise. Once again, remember that your body is going through hormonal changes
I have shown how important it is to eat in a different way.
This also applies to how you rest and recharge. The exercise regime that you did in your 20s and 30s is perhaps no longer the right thing for you.
Most people are over exercising, and this will serve only to stress the body. If you over exercise, your body produces cortisol which encourages fat storage rather than loss. It makes you feel exhausted, encourages cravings and impacts your ability to get restful sleep. It also promotes inflammation and sore joints and muscles.
So, the peri/menopause is a time to start exercising in a smart way. Think about Yoga and Pilates, HIIT workouts, resistance training and walking. These will increase your energy, boost your metabolism and burn fat. They will improve your bone health and tone you up from top to toe. They will not stress your body and pump you full of cortisol. As a result, you will be able to sleep better. And sleep is so important to reset your body. This is the time when your hormones work their magic. It’s a time for them to repair and recharge. So, choose exercise that works with your hormonal health and not against it.
Another important step to living a healthy and happy life in your 40s and beyond is to build a solid foundation to carry you through mid-life. Basically, this is the time to clean up your act. You can no longer get away with how you lived your life in your 20s and 30s. It’s the time to do two things:
- Get all your internal systems working at an optimal level.
- Focus on your external environment and remove as many toxins from your life as you can.
Firstly, learn to love your gut!
Choose the right foods so that all the good nutrients that your hormones need are eaten and absorbed. Ditch the processed foods and sugar. Instead, increase the fibre, eat as many varieties of veg as you can, include healthy fats and protein in every meal and stay well hydrated.
Secondly, show your liver the upmost respect.
Your liver has over 500 functions within the body. And one of them is to regulate your hormones and get rid of excess oestrogen. And remember that too much oestrogen is responsible for many of your menopausal symptoms. Your liver loves cruciferous vegetables, berries, fatty fish and olive oil. Don’t be mean to it with alcohol, processed foods and taking lots of medications.
And lastly take steps to reduce exposure to toxins in the environment.
Many chemicals found in things such as plastics, cosmetics, pesticides etc mimic our natural hormones and disrupt our hormonal health.
So, there it is. A three-point guide that delivers results for peri/ menopausal women
Remember that hormonal imbalances are the root cause of menopausal symptoms.
And hormones respond very quickly when you nourish them and support them with the right diet and lifestyle.
Having read this far, you may be wondering where to start.
Sometimes, the most difficult thing to do is to take the first step. And this is where I come in.
Research has shown, time and time again, that change doesn’t happen without the support of a “mentor” to guide you through the process. It should be easy, but it isn’t.
Without support, we just tend to do the same old same old and nothing changes. Trust me, I’ve been there!
But transformation is so much easier when you work with someone that can provide one on one guidance, motivation and accountability throughout. I am here to keep you on track when you get unstuck and deliver you the results you truly deserve.
It is hard to do it on your own for sure. But I really to want you to flourish in your mid-life and beyond. Perhaps it’s time to get out of your rut, stop thinking you can do it by yourself and ask for help. Remember this is your time.
If you would like to have a chat, please do get in touch via my contact page on: