Discover how you can get rid of menopause symptoms for good by following my three step guide for a happy and healthy menopause.
Discover how this system can work for you
Step 1 – It’s time to EXPLORE!
You need to understand what is going on in your body to get to the root cause. It’s only by exploring and digging deep that you can get a personalised solution that’s right for you. And one that will deliver results!
Your symptoms are talking to you. Don’t ignore them. Learn how to uncover what these cries for help are really telling you. And once this is done, you can start to do something about it.
Analyse your symptoms. It’s important to dig deep into your life and take a full medical history. By doing this, your own unique profile starts to emerge and a plan just for you.
Run some tests on your body. This is the only way to pinpoint where your hormonal imbalances are and in turn allows you to create an individual action plan which will give you the fast track solution you need.
You are now ready for Step 2 – RESTORE AND BALANCE
You know where your imbalances are. You know which hormones are the culprits when it comes to weight gain, mood swings and brain fog etc. And now you can start to put a plan in place to resolve them for good.
Fix the foundations. This is where you start to restore key functions in your body such as your liver and gut. And learning how to do this is critical if you want to restore harmony and get out of the rut that you are in.
Nourish your hormones. This is the biggie and so very powerful. By discovering how to nourish your hormones with foods that they love and avoiding those which disrupt your health, you will be on track for a symptom free and happy life.
Learn to relax. The plan only works when you embrace new lifestyle techniques too. Modern life can be crazy and busy and even a little stress can sabotage all the good work you do. So here you learn to relax and prioritise you. Don’t underestimate the importance of this one!
Now for the final step – ENERGISE
This is the final piece of the jigsaw puzzle and where you will learn how to flourish in your midlife and beyond.
Recharge your batteries. This is where you will discover how to get good energy levels throughout the day. How amazing would it be to sleep like a baby at night and no longer get those mid-afternoon energy slumps?
Feel alive with smart exercise. We all know the importance of exercise, but what you did in your twenties and thirties may no longer be right for you. You need to do things in a different way, and you need to adopt “smart” exercise to feel alive and thrive. In this step, you learn what to do.
Regain joy in your life. You have reached the final step! And now it’s time to add the finishing touches. It’s not the time to be complacent. But an opportunity to harness all the good stuff you have achieved and future proof your health as you sail into your midlife and beyond. Learn how to capture all this and more and you will be ready to be fit and fabulous for the rest of your life!
As a bonus you get my eBook when you register!
This is designed for women over 40 who want to learn how to sail through the menopause and set themselves up for midlife and beyond.
It’s full of practical advice to get you looking and feeling fabulous! And it’s yours for free today.